Okay, so around July-ish I gave a list of EPs/LPs that were worth listening to. Today, I decided to update that list:
Holly Miranda :: Sleep on Fire EP
Grizzly Bear :: Veckatimest
Florence + The Machine :: Lungs
Death Cab for Cutie :: The Open Door EP
Yeah Yeah Yeahs :: It's Blitz
Passion Pit :: Manners
Metric :: Fantasies
Dirty Projectors :: Bitte Orca
Patrick Watson :: Wooden Arms
Miike Snow :: Miike Snow
Phoenix :: Wolfgang Amadeus
Fol Chen :: Part I: John Shade, Your Fortune's Made
Beirut :: March of the Zapotec/Holland EP
Now, Now Every Children :: Cars
Tegan and Sara :: Sainthood
The xx :: xx
Thao with the Get Down Stay Down :: We Brave Bee Stings And All
Tiesto :: Kaleidoscope
Karen O and the Kids :: Where the Wild Things Are soundtrack
Various Artists :: New Moon sountrack (as much as you despise this book/movie, you can't deny this)
No Kids :: Come Into My House
Discovery :: Discovery
Starfucker/Pyramid :: Jupiter
Fanfarlo :: Reservoir
Washed Out :: Life of Leisure EP