I have always been a sucker for puns and play on words, so it came with no surprise that while I was in Skagway, Alaska, I bought a philosophical - borderline religious - book transpired through puns. Timing was everything. After flipping through the book, I walked up to the cash register, and when I handed the owner the book, he flipped out and immediately told his daughter to run out the door to call back the man that he was talking to earlier. It just so happens that while I was flipping through the book, the owner of the shop was talking to the writer of the book. So the man - William Einhof as I later learned - signed my book and handed it to me with a giant Santa Claus like grin on his face. Without a doubt, this book - entitled
Book One - is definitely an interesting, confusing and enlightening book to read. There are so many phrases I don't understand, and perhaps I need to be intoxicated, or drugged up to find enlightenment in some of the more philosophical puns -- who knows. Anyways, here are a couple of my favourites:

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