Saturday, September 4, 2010

where you end and i begin

This weekend, and these next two weeks are the markings of a new beginning and a new era. Let the crazy times come, and I'll make the best of what I get. So stoked for what's to come!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

i've got dusk eyes

While I've allowed myself to be preoccupied with other worldly adventures, I've unfairly neglected this blog to the extent that I was thoroughly ashamed when I remembered to check back 4 months later after my last post only to I find that there are 30 Chinese proverb-inspired comments in regards to it.

To make a brief update, a summation of the past four months can easily be described as: fucking heavy. I won't go into detail because that might lead to a post that is too long for life, so you'll just have to trust me on this.

I've been reading a lot of poetry lately; it's inspired me to write a lot more than I've ever written before. Beautiful and dark things happening, and it's unexplainable how it feels to find a song or a poem that expresses just how I feel. Cliche, but it's like they were written to explain just how I feel at a specific moment. If it's a song, then I put it on repeat for the next 24 hours until the emotion settles, and if it's a poem, then I read it over and over again until it's imprinted on the inside of my eyelids.

School is about to start which means RA training is just around the corner. Excited as fuck, and scared shitless at the same time. Also in the works of getting an internship at AEG Live/Goldenvoice. Shit's about to get crazy this if it wasn't already.

You waited a decade for me to come find you; there's never been a chance so rare. I was just numbing out on a prosthetic love, and there's never been someone so real. As if it wasn't enough just to hear you speak, they had to give you lips like that. Like all of your sadness reduce to a color that painted upon you, how could I forget you?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Saturday, April 24, 2010

can you tell

il vostro modo di scricchiolio nel naso e la parte girevole le unità labbra pazzesco

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


you’ve diluted it down to numbers and letters -
crunching away at insignificant symbols
representing nothing, but everything
outside of what was felt as we laid on the mattress
framed by last year’s christmas lights, and
dressed in photographs of preceding times.
you set equations probing for an answer,
but the solution cannot be found in petty jargon.
you’ve already discovered the answer -
it is creased into your sheets
and laminated onto your skin,
but you are too busy
calculating and memorizing foreign hieroglyphics
to witness the tantalizing friction floating between us.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010

In 7 days

I will be at Coachella, and it will be a shit show.

I cannot wait to get fucked up with this band.
The end.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

your turn.

miracle whip is no miracle at all!

Click here for the playlist and the streaming of Chicken Soup. Brenna and I played our first spring quarter show this morning, so head on over to the Chicken Soup blog to fill your ears with music wondersssssss. Here is a little taste of what we played; enjoy babyz.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

stay classy, drink wine

Where can I find children like this? Will I be able to produce children like this? How is it that they're 8 and have such smart things to say about Broken Bells' songs? Can I have Noah?

Also, the New University printed an interview with B.o.B. who recently performed at UCI, and I was somewhat surprised by artists that he currently found inspiring:

"I would have to say that right now, it’s about artists like Broken Bells, Erykah Badu…The XX, I’ve been checking them out, they’re pretty dope. I even like Matt and Kim, like in their video when they go streaking. But the thing is, they weren’t just streaking for the attention of being naked, but more to prove a point, about being free. Doesn’t mean that everyone has to walk around naked, but just to have that freedom to remove your clothing and be comfortable." - B.o.B.

Word to the bird. Broken Bells are obviously one of my current crushes, and The xx have been a long time favorite. As most of you know (maybe) Erykah Badu recently released a controversial video for her song "Window Seat." The video was inspired by Matt & Kim's video "Lesson Learned" where Matt and Kim walk through New York City while slowly stripping off an item of clothing until they are completely naked in Time Square. What makes Erykah's video so controversial as compared to Matt & Kim's version is that her video has ties with JFK's assassination. Just watch the two videos and judge for yourself:

Matt and Kim :: Lesson Learned

Erykah Badu :: Window Seat


Why are there always obscure asian bloggers commenting on my posts?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

mentally and physically forever

So nostalgic

for old Metric.
This song begins like a classic boy band song. I love it.
Their debut album Grow Up and Blow Away is by far my favorite record put out by them. Definitely filled with some music gems.
Raw and heavy. Just how I like it.

Monday, April 5, 2010

I literally feel like my life is ending

It has been like this the whole day. I mean, I have posts to reply to, friend requests to deny, photos to comment on, statuses to like, things to become a fan of, events to attend...the list goes on! How am I suppose to be a functional citizen in society if I can't access my networking site???

Friday, April 2, 2010

...if you touch me, well I just think I'll scream

'cuz it's been so long, since someone challenged me.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

over you over you over you over you over you

in my mind in my mind in my mind in my mind in my mind

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Alvin Band is a testament of true, unadulterated stream-of-consciousness musical exploration and 21-year old Southern California based Rick Alvin Schaier servers as its master. Mantis Preying, the first official release by Alvin Band consists of songs that only rely on body parts and vocal gymnastics to create an unbelievable atmospheric and avant-garde sound similar to that of [current] Animal Collective and of Montreal. The songs on Mantis Preying feature dense, layered, complicated arrangements that somehow weave a central melody and structure throughout the cacophony of ideas. This complex blend of rhythms and harmonies cannot seemingly come from one voice and one microphone. Though recorded under the constraints of "vocals only," it projects a sum much larger than it's parts, making use of the full sonic spectrum.

I highly highly highly highly highly recommend EVERYONE to click on the hyperlink and to listen to Mantis Preying. At first (as I wrote a few posts down), I thought he was simply ripping off of AnCo's style, but after much research, I'm beginning to think Rick far surpasses AnCo. The fact that 9 of the 15 songs on the album are made with only vocal reverberations and the use of body parts astounds me, and if you give his album a listen, you too will be surprised. The album is a huge wall of sound that slaps you across the face, and you can't help but want more. It's like a nasty drug that hits you hard. I can't believe he isn't huge's only a matter of time.

Coachella is in 16 days

Let's celebrate with photos...

[30 seconds lovers]
[stereo mute]
[breathe in, breathe out]

pause, let me be a nerd for a minute

Tron: original 1982 trailer

Tron: remake 2010 trailer

Okay, done geeking out.

Monday, March 29, 2010


The size of this book is daunting.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


i dreamt that we were lovers relaxing by the fire,
but you, you were an actor paid for hire;
my mind, it cannot fathom just what you see in her,
but my mind is just my problem and my curse;
choose your love wisely you know that she's timing you,
i would try harder, but there's nothing i can do;
so here is the conclusion: the tortoise stands alone;
and she'll, she'll call your arms temporary home.

animal collective jr.

Alvin Band was recommended to me by Sharon. If you love Animal Collective, you will love Alvin Band. Trust me. I can't give this dude points for originality since his sound is basically a replica of AnCo's infamous lo-fi avant-garde soundscape, but I will give him points for making some rad tunes. Check out his myspace (linked above) and enjoy.


I have been listening to his album Mantis Preying for the past couple of hours, and I reallllly dig it. I think you would, too.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

you're just a weatherman, we make the wind blow

So I finally got around to develop and print my Ilford black & white rolls. Here are a couple of the results! Flying kites, drinking tea, stalking the family, chilling on the grass, trolling at shows, and whatever else normal people do.


SeanShan has the potential to be HUGE. These kids have got some serious talent. Saw them today at the Tribal Cafe after Brenna suggested we go watch them. Apparently the keyboardist/guitarist of the band is Brenna's friend from high school. Seriously dudes, it was a dance party from start to finish. Click here to listen to some awesome soulful music to quench that music thirst. 300 points to Brenna.

Friday, March 26, 2010


So many things to update on!

Best friend relationships are a beautiful thing.

Film photography will always be my favorite. I've got rolls of film that REALLY need to be developed. Excited to see the results!

Polaroid 1000. SWEET MOTHER OF BABIES. I am getting one as soon as they come out!

I have officially caught Bieber fever.

The Morning Benders. Miniature Tigers. We Are Barbarians. Washed Out. YACHT. Bobby Birdman. Small Black. -- There's something really liberating about not bring a camera to a show. The constant urge of wanting to take a photo is eliminated, and I can just sway back and forth intune with the music. Awesome.

Attempted to tan an E onto my stomach with tanning oil. Didn't work.

IT SUCKS BALLS that the radio in my car doesn't work right now, because I want to do is ride around with my windows down while playing these on blast:

Co-writing a satirical review on Justin Bieber's new album. I actually kind of like some of his songs. Sue me.

Painting in the wee hours of the morning.

Reading tons.

Staring at my Richard Simmon's vinyl and wondering what's on it.

My parents just bought me a Macbook Pro for my birthday. Really unnecessary, but I am grateful.

Will develop film in the morning.

My mom says I dress like a grandma.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

If you're reading this

text me/ message me/ call me/ comment on this/ tell me in person/ whatever mode of communication you are most readily accessible to, and tell me something beautiful and amazing that has happened to you recently.

Friday, March 19, 2010

oh i see what you did there

Trying to make me pay to join an elite group. Nice try, but no san-qu.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

why i love facebook

Dear Facebook,

You make it so easy to stalk people. Why do you have to fuel my internet whoring? Now I can easily find people I don't even know, or randomly stalk someone I stumble upon. Your new search bar now gives me suggestions of people with the same name as my friends, how nice. You make my life so convenient, but you eat up so much of my time. You're like a sour patch kid; so sour, yet so sweet. I love you. You do good things for me, but you are the unhealthiest motherfucker ever.


Play this song

on full blast and you'll feel like a whole different person.

I love the rough texture of this song, and how the distortion makes it sound so brash and loud. Makes me want to shave my head and turn into a riot grrrl. Not really, but really.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

i don't care for fancy things


Can't sleep. Radio show in an hour-ish. Cool. Music for restlessness.

Kaki King :: Gay Sons of Lesbian Mothers
Possibly the best name for a song, ever. I wish Kaki would go back to doing crazy, innovative stuff like this.

I have nothing to do, so I'll write. Who would have thought that I would grow up and learn to liked oatmeal. I remember when I was in elementary school my mom would vehemently try to get me to eat oatmeal for the sake of having a healthy breakfast. Her attempts were futile as I never ate the bowl goo in front of me. Yet, here I am at fucking 3AM waiting for my show to start and eating a bowl of oatmeal.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

YES. more, please.

Remember kids


Not really digging 'Flash Delirium' (needs time), but I've heard 'Congratulations' and it's pretty awesome.

I read somewhere, but I can't remember where, that Neon Indian responded to the release of 'Flash Delirium' with his latest jam 'Sleep Paralysist.' Interesting, so the competition begins.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

These kids...

Kid Cudi ft. Vampire Weekend :: Cudderisback


well you can't get what you want

but you can get me

Gorillaz :: On Melancholy Hill

Best song on Plastic Beach.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

big things

I got it; I did it. I plan on doing big things next year. I want to motivate people. I want to inspire people. I want to be the person that changes someone for the better. I think I can do it. With just the right amount of passion, desire and drive I think I can be someone to somebody. There's so much potential, and we'll have to wait till next year to see what happens...

unproductive, productive

and the best lines i've ever written
i plagiarized every word from the thoughts of yours
i heard while you were just sittin in silence
staring up at mars

please leave us alone when we're dancing

Click me.

poetic inspiration.

i need start writing again.

Friday, March 12, 2010



Thursday, March 11, 2010

often nights end in the morning for me

Currently really digging Kisses by Kisses

Toro Y Moi :: Minors
Ignore the weird cheesy video and focus on the song. Best to listen to when...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

tell me what you know about dreamin'

The alternative video to Kid Cudi's 2009 jam "Pursuit of Happiness" featuring MGMT and Ratatat.
Watch the original video here.

Perfection is the way hair curls in just the right direction.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

happy things

click on photo for happy news

and....a video

happy thoughts
i fucked up today. fuck.

MGMT:: Flash Delirium

Click ze pictora to get linked to MGMT's website, and download their new song 'Flash Delirium.' Do it, do it.

Monday, March 8, 2010

love lust

"I’d give it all up for a hand in my hand."

Sunday, March 7, 2010

This is my friend Liz

the red balloon

Here is a toast to fucking youth.

life is about...

karaoking to classic 90's jams while stuck in traffic.

sharing an umbrella with a friend while running through the rain.

having a random jam session in the car with a melodica, a shaker and a uke.

pretentiously critiquing art like we knew what we were talking about.

giggling with potato balls in our mouth.

making fun of the friend who was afraid of the black stray cat.

finding the perfect song for the perfect moment and having everyone sing along.

Friday, March 5, 2010



Thursday, March 4, 2010

the yearning song of flesh on flesh

Ready the lyrics and listen to it. It's such a powerful song. Shit dude.

Sam introduced me to Sam.

Not to beat a dead horse, but...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Local Natives

Star Troopers

If Star Wars and Cops had a baby...

Thy inner geek was fascinated and impressed.

some kind of magic in the way you're lying there

Stand still enough and you can see the clouds curl into one another.

Currently not interested in anything else besides finding a way to feel something like this.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

get stupid


Lost Things directed by Angela Kohler and featuring Alison Sudol of A Fine Frenzy. Music by A Fine Frenzy.
This is kind of amazing.

Beiber Fever

Beiber is taking over the world, and I don't even know who he is. I have, however, heard from others that he sounds like a prepubescent girl and looks like a male lesbian. What that means, I don't know.

Monday, March 1, 2010

you got me wrong

Click here to listen to Broken Bells' debut album. If you don't already know, BB is a collaboration between Danger Mouse and James Mercer of The Shins. To give you an idea of what they sound like, just think of The Shins with a more rhythm/percussion emphasis. The album doesn't drop until March 9, 2010, so hurry and get a first listen!!!

Highlights: So I started listing all the songs I liked on the album, and realized I was naming practically every song the album, so just listen to everything, and DIG IT.

the world is lazy, but you and me we're just crazy

"You won't even look through my telescope."

"Errol, it's not a telescope, it's a kaleidoscope."


Fucking stuck in my head all day. This is the only song I would listen to today while riding the bus or walking to class. And lovvvvve the irrelevant video; it's perfect.

They're back, and bearded. This just came out today, so soak it in!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

La Blogotheque

why are you so kind to me???

Tegan & Sara - Alligator - A Take Away Show from La Blogotheque on Vimeo.

Tegan & Sara - Feel It In My Bones - A Take Away Show from La Blogotheque on Vimeo.

Tegan & Sara - Nineteen - A Take Away Show from La Blogotheque on Vimeo.

Three of my favorite babies all in one. Sara, Tegan and La Blogotheque. I guess today is going end on a high note.

I think it's starting to be really obvious

that I don't want to write, or do homework anymore. Music!

Bon Iver vs. Aphex Twin - Woods/Windowlicker (remix)
(I am LOL over Bon Iver on auto tune.)

The Anters - Kettering (Dream Fever remix)

Taking slow songs and turning them into head bumpers.

worm book

Dear Sharon,

You asked for book recommendations, so I took the time out of my busy busy busy schedule to give you a brief on 5 books that I highly recommend. The end.

Einstein's Dreams by Alan Lightman
I forgot when exactly I read this book, but I was literally inhaling it. It's a thin book, and I finished it super fast, because the ideas are incredibly captivating. I've always been fascinated with time and space, and how they correlate with one another, or in this case, how warped time can bend space and create alternative universes.

The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand
I can't say I completely agree with the fundamentals of objectivism, but it's always an interesting topic to read about. To this day, I still remember the protagonist's name: Howard Roark. Actually, I don't even know if you can - in full assurance - call Roark the protagonist. I don't know, he's such a complicated character, and even after finishing the book, I still can't decode him. This was a pretty long book, but again, I ate this book up like it was sushi.

Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
By far the hardest (at least in this list) book to work through. I'm warning you, it's slow and takes what feels like years to build up, but it's totally worth the wait. If you love a good love story, this is the book to read. Plus, Marquez is a great writer, AND there's a complementary movie that you can watch.

A Wolf at the Table by Augusten Burroughs
Burroughs writes some of the saddest, yet most beautiful memoirs ever. This book is about his jagged relationship with his father, and the effects it had on him as a child and as an adult. There are so many scenes within the book that tug at your heart strings; prepare yourself if you plan on reading this.

Invisible Monster by Chuck Palahniuk
By the second page of this book you'll be hooked. This book has such an intense, out of control openings that you won't be able to put it down, trust me. I don't want to give too much away, but you'll be begging to know how and why the people in the book got where they are in the opening scene. The plot is insane, borderline outrageous, but the craziness is what makes it good. And who can turn away the genius behind Fight Club?

Take me underground, take me all the way

I have been trolling in my apartment room this past weekend chomping out the piles of papers/profiles/essays I have to write by the end of this coming week. I think I've worn the same outfit 3 days in a row now. Attractive, I know. Of course, this also meant I spent an ample amount of time stalking on Facebook, searching for music, and grubbing. Here are some of my findings:

Phantogram :: When I'm Small

Back and forth. Forever.

Die Antwoord. Next level shit? The rat? Ninja's crotch? The fact that his name is Ninja? Yo-Landi's hair? Ninja's Bob Marley shirt? The grimy coach and coffee table? Ninja's self spoken tattoos? A half sleeve fairy tattoo? Ninja's boasting? The freestyle rap? Everything about this is gold.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

sleep like your beds on fire

Dreamt a dream where I was dreaming about dreams.