Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I love you, Annie Chou! is that day that I'm suppose to go to the Death Cab for Cutie concert. Suppose to, rather than I am. Due to unforseen circumstances, I will have to waste $35. However, this experience of up's and down's has shown me what an amazing, caring, selfless, loving and generous best friend I have. Annie tried everything so that I could go to the concert. She knows how much I love the band, and was genuinely sad for me when I told her plans had fallen through. She offered to pick me up at the AMTRAK, but when I told her my mom wouldn't let me take the AMTRAK alone, she offered to drive up from UCSD to UCI to pick me up and take me down the UCSD. I mean, this is the girl that was already letting me stay at her place, this is the girl who bought me the ticket, this is the girl who told me right away about the concert when she found out. THIS girl, is my best friend, and it is clear now why that is so.



You know what I hate? When plans fall through and people flake. I spent $70 on two Death Cab for Cutie tickets, and now it's all gone to waste. FUCK...I was looking forward to this for months, and now it's all down the fucking drain. I guess I'll have a $35 concert ticket to serve as a reminder of what I missed...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Passion > $$$

This weekend I got another pep-talk from my best friend Kristen about my career choice. She's voiced her discontent with my choice of becoming a music journalist more than once, and this time it got me to think. Her argument primarily revolved around the fact that the three of us - Kristen, Annie and I - needed to make major $$$. As if $$$ = happiness. But I don't see it that way. I never really did. I could care less about how much I make, as long as I'm doing something I love, and what I love are music and writing.

Simple. Why can't it be that simple?

To me, it isn't worth it waking up every morning in my 2-story house, and driving in my Range Rover to a job I can't bear to stand. I'd rather wake up every morning in my dingy, tiny apartment, and drive my beat-up hand-me-down car to a job I can't wait to work for. I want that drive, that passion, that love. That's something you can't get with money. Money doesn't mean happiness for me. Happiness means happiness for me. Easy.

But then she brought on another point. What you love to do is meant to be a hobby, not a career.

Why does a passion have to equate to a hobby. Why not make it into a career, which essentially kills two birds with one stone. What if I get so caught up in my dead-end shit job, and never find time to explore my passion? What happens then? I let it slip away? That's not me, that's never been me. I'm not one to be stubborn when it comes to many things, but I am stubborn as fuck when it comes to pursuing what I want - respectfully that is, no stomping and sabatoging of others in the pursuit. I never believed in half-heartedly doing something for the sake of someone else. If you're going to do something, give it your soul. And how can I possibly do that if I'm stuck in a career I despise?

This isn't what my parents necessarily want, though they support me; this isn't what my best friend wants, though she just looking out for me, but with all due respect, this is exactly what I want. To others that may not be enough - not enough of a reason, not enough of an excuse - but since when did we let "others" determine for us as individuals?

Maybe it's just this feeling of going against the current. Or maybe it's just this feeling of liberation. But it feels good. I mean, it feels REAL good. I don't know how many people majoring in BioSci, Business, or Social Science can say they're excited for their future. I'm not placing any judgment, I'm sure there are people majoring in those majors equally as excited I am, but I speak for myself when I say: I wake up every morning bursting at the seams with anticipation and excitment for my future. I love being in college and dipping my hands into everything within my reach. I love thinking about all the courses and opportunities that await me in the next few years. I can't wait to see where I'll be in 4-5 years, because I know I'll be doing something amazing. And all these feeling...they don't come from pursuing a career that makes major bank, in fact, these feelings come from an inner voice that tells me everyday that I'm doing the right thing, and that in 5 years I'll be looking back and thanking myself for making the decisions I made. Can you say the same for yourself?

In respects to the movie 'The Pursuit of Happyness,' I truly do believe that everyone is in pursuit of finding something, and anything that can bring them happiness. For some, like Kristen, that means money, but for me, happiness is passion. And there is no way I'm going to let my firey passion dwindle.


Monday, April 27, 2009

I am...

This is an actual personal statement question on the NYU application, and this is the actual answer Hugh Gallagher gave.



I am a dynamic figure, often seen scaling walls and crushing ice. I have been known to remodel train stations on my lunch breaks, making them more efficient in the area of heat retention. I translate ethnic slurs for Cuban refugees, I write award-winning operas, I manage time efficiently. Occasionally, I tread water for three days in a row.

I woo women with my sensuous and godlike trombone playing, I can pilot bicycles up severe inclines with unflagging speed, and I cook Thirty-Minute Brownies in twenty minutes. I am an expert in stucco, a veteran in love, and an outlaw in Peru.

Using only a hoe and a large glass of water, I once single-handedly defended a small village in the Amazon Basin from a horde of ferocious army ants. I play bluegrass cello, I was scouted by the Mets, I am the subject of numerous documentaries. When I'm bored, I build large suspension bridges in my yard. I enjoy urban hang gliding. On Wednesdays, after school, I repair electrical appliances free of charge.

I am an abstract artist, a concrete analyst, and a ruthless bookie. Critics worldwide swoon over my original line of corduroy evening wear. I don't perspire. I am a private citizen, yet I receive fan mail. I have been caller number nine and have won the weekend passes. Last summer I toured New Jersey with a traveling centrifugal-force demonstration. I bat .400. My deft floral arrangements have earned me fame in international botany circles. Children trust me.

I can hurl tennis rackets at small moving objects with deadly accuracy. I once read Paradise Lost, Moby Dick, and David Copperfield in one day and still had time to refurbish an entire dining room that evening. I know the exact location of every food item in the supermarket. I have performed several covert operations for the CIA. I sleep once a week; when I do sleep, I sleep in a chair. While on vacation in Canada, I successfully negotiated with a group of terrorists who had seized a small bakery. The laws of physics do not apply to me.

I balance, I weave, I dodge, I frolic, and my bills are all paid. On weekends, to let off steam, I participate in full-contact origami. Years ago I discovered the meaning of life but forgot to write it down. I have made extraordinary four course meals using only a Mouli and a toaster oven. I breed prizewinning clams. I have won bullfights in San Juan, cliff-diving competitions in Sri Lanka, and spelling bees at the Kremlin. I have played Hamlet, I have performed open-heart surgery, and I have spoken with Elvis.

But I have not yet gone to college.

He got in. Brilliant...


Indie, How-dayy!

I should be writing my HumCore essay, but I prefer procrastinating so I'll write about this little inquiry I have...

Since when did indie become mainstream? I guess this is a weird questions, because of its contradictive nature, but there is no way you can consider something or someone indie/independent, if they hit the mainstream market. I think it's this increased desire to be affiliated with "out of the norm," because the notion of independence and self-governance is way more chic than being dependant and controlled by others. That's understandable I guess, but it's odd how people are choosing to be considered indie for the sake of appearing different, or even unique, when the idea of being indie is no longer..."indie," for lack of better term. I put indie in quotes, because I'm referring to the definition of the word, which was originally defined as the following: a) outside the realms of mainstream; b) small, low-budget; c) indepedent; d) private e) etc.. Interesting to see the term indie get inverted inside out. It no longer stands for what it used to, and I'm not sure if it pains me more to know that there is a loss of this community, or the fact that I once considered myself a part of this sub-culture (actually, I still do HA). I think the principles and ideals behind the term indie has completely lost its edge. Painful, but true. Things that were geared towards this sub-culture have become mainstream phenomenons. From music, to fasion, to film, to literature, to record labels, etc. OR, I'm just way fucking overthinking this just so I have an excuse to babble. I don't really want to work on my essay, and Death Cab for Cutie is only 3 days away, that I can practically hear Ben Gibbard's voice in my ears.

Off topic: This weekend I went home; Kristen, Annie and I roamed around Pasadena, and could not help but stop at this HUGE motherfucking barn restaurant called 'Something' Burner (forgot, oops), which is inspired by Texas culture. This was not a coincidence, but I totally matched that place (minus the peace sign of course).

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Screenshot of the day. FRINGE! This show kind of makes me want to be a FBI agent...but at the same time not...


Friday, April 24, 2009

We kill what we build, because we own the sky... have not seen a music video this simple and moving in a while...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Where do the waves go my love?

I watch you oh so many times
and all the use that made us blind
why you, why you let it all
be like some pretend in your mind
it doesn't need to be
it doesn't need to be
so where do the waves go my love?
where do the waves go my love?

some may go liquid
I don't know, I don't know
I don't know, I don't know
some may go liquid
I don't know, I don't know
I don't know, I don't know

and you must speak your life
into existence
this intense is so much more
than just that means
to end of all of this suffering
this needless pain
that stains your face
it doesn't need to be
it doesn't need to be

so where do the waves go my love?
where do the waves go my love?
some may go liquid
I don't know, I don't know
I don't know, I don't know
some may go liquid
I don't know, I don't know
I don't know, I don't know

uh you wait so long babe
to become just one heart
uh you wait so long babe
to become just one heart
uh you wait so long babe
to become just one heart

This is exactly what I want to play for my radio slot.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

More than this - there is nothing

I've never really been a big fan of covers, I'm more of an "original" girl if you would say, but as of lately, my perception of covers is slowly changing. I think it's so interesting to have one artist personalize another artist's song and change the entire meaning of it. They rearrange guitars, change piano melodies into guitar melodies, change the tone, or sing it in a completely different voice. These tweeks take a song, and transform it into something completely new. Seriously, I've heard covers that take a song that I know and turn it into something I can hardly recognize, and to my suprise, the change is nice. Take for instance, this song called "More Than This" by Roxy Music and the cover done by Missy Higgins:

Both versions are amazing, yet completely different. From the tone, to the beat, to the sound - everything about the song is completely changed when Missy sings it. It's almost like the song has a different meaning from what it originally intended. Albeit, it's still a love song regardless of which version you listen to, but the original version has this almost upbeat, optimistic vibe towards love, and in Missy's version, it has more of a mellow, nostalgic approach towards love. I officially LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear covers now. I think it's a very specific and difficult realm of art to take a song, especially a song written and sung by a music icon, or even your idol, and making it into your own, to personalize it and make your mark on it. Fascinating...


where ART thou

Mood: excited/happy

Right now, I wish blogspot had the smiley face feature so I can fully convey how I feel. I just got back from my first photography critiquing, and my teacher was really impressed! During the critique, he asked if I was a studio art major, and I told him I wasn't, but he still insisted that I continue taking photography classes!! This is a good sign...a REALLY good sign...yeeee


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Red Balloon

So, to the three people who read my blog...three including me (hahaha)...I want you guys to watch a short film (approx. 35 minutes long) called The Red Balloon by Albert Lamorisse. This is an old film that was released sometime in the 60's, and I have loved it since the first time I saw it so many years ago.

Because I'm lazy, here a the synopsis brought to you by Wikipedia (my best friend)

The film, which has a music score but almost no dialogue, tells of Pascal, who, on his way to school one morning, discovers a large helium-filled red balloon. As Pascal plays with his new found toy, he realizes the balloon has a mind and will of its own, and it begins to follow Pascal wherever he goes, at times floating outside his bedroom window as Pascal's grandmother won't allow it in the apartment. The red balloon follows Pascal through the streets of Paris, and the pair draw inquisitive looks from adults and the envy of other children as they wander the streets. At one point the balloon enters Pascal's schoolroom, causing an uproar from the other students. The noise alerts the principal, who becomes angry with Pascal and locks him up until school is over. At another, Pascal and his balloon encounter a little girl with a blue balloon that also seems to have a mind of its own. In their wanderings around the neighborhood, Pascal and the balloon encounter a gang of bullies, and they soon destroy his new friend. The film ends as the other balloons in Paris come to Pascal's aid and take him on a cluster balloon ride around the world.

To me, this film is a poignant symbolization of childhood innocence, and the hopes and dreams that come with being so naive. But slowly, Pascal's hopes and dreams, symoblized by the balloon, are attacked by a swarm of young boys who wish to catch the balloon and flatten it. What began as as playful conquest to catch the balloon soon turns into a violent chase for destruction. It illustrates the beauty of childhood dreams and highlights the creulty of those who try to destroy it. Utterly beautiful, simple and relatable. If you have never taken my advice before, take it now, because this film captures the ubiqutous nature of childhood naivety that we have all experienced before.


Monday, April 20, 2009

With auburn hair and tawny eyes

DAAAMMMNNNN! I'd date me if I could!

Keep Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'

Agenda for Tuesday and Wednesday:

9:30-10:20 AM - HumCore Lecture
11:00-12:20 PM - Sociology Lecture
1:00-2:20 PM - HumCore Discussion
3:00-3:50 PM - Sociology Discussion
5:00-7:00 PM - Work
7:00-8:00 PM - KUCI Class

9:30-11:50 AM - Photography
1:00-2:00 PM - School of Humanities' Unit Assignment
3:00-4:00 PM - Arroyo Vista Job Interview

Yikes, I have a lot on my plate these next few days...



VH1 TV Shows Music Videos Celebrity Photos News & Gossip

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Inspirational Vibrations

Ok, so in honor of record store day (which was yesterday), here is a list of female-fronted bands that I think will make it big real soon, and if they don't, then there is something seriously wrong with people's ears...or maybe there's something wrong with my ears, but I highly doubt it.
Starting us off is Megan Ouchida from Portland, Oregon. Her songs are simple, yet complex by all intangible means. Genes, Skin and Bones and So Far have been one of my favourites for a while, and they both can never seem to get old (which is a good thing). Plus her love for Tegan and Sara only gives her more bonus points!
This girl...she has a voice that can eat you alive. If you haven't seen her cover of Elliott Smith's Between the Bar, then I dare you to Youtube it. Her up and coming album is produced by the production genius Dave Sitek of TV on the Radio, and judging from what I've heard so far, she is definately going somewhere. Even Pitchfork, Tripwire and Kanye (yes! even Kanye!) are raving about her. Slow Treason, Waves and Joints (which is actually from her previous band The Jealous Girlfriends) are songs to look out for.
I swear, I think Sweden is on a mission to take over the music world. ABBA, The Hives, Jose Gonzalez, Lykke Li, The Knife - just to name a few. And now, Fever Ray, the solo project of The Knife's front-woman Karin Dreijer Andersson. Her haunting and jagged voice makes her music obscure to the tenth power. I also highly recommend looking up her music video for When I Grow Up (which I posted a few posts below) if you REALLY want to get a taste of how weird and indefinite her style can be. Definately a winner.
Lastly, my soft spot for electro-dance music has prevailed, and I am once again listening to monotonous voices backed by synth laden power beats. Regardless of monotone voices, these girls have some pretty addictive songs. Give a listen, I bet you will like it.

And! If you haven't checked out a record store in a while, or ever!, I suggest you look up your local record store and go! Or you can always go to Amoeba Records, which was named the #1 independent record store in the nation by Amoeba Records is music heaven, and there is no way you can walk in without walking out with a record. Your music soul will be fulfilled and enlightened. TRUST.



Oh and by the way...


Saturday, April 18, 2009

It started with a pair of cashmere black gloves.
It started with freckles in the shape of the constellation Cassiopoeia.
It started with a $5.
It started with Love in the Time of Cholera.
It started with elevators.

It began a chase.
It began a questioning of destiny.

A fortunate accident which lead to a discovery.


I look at all the lonely people...

This left me breathless...

Friday, April 17, 2009

Grow Up and Blow Away

Lately, I've been thinking of all the things I want to do, and I think I'm getting a little too ambitious. I think my drive/desire to try so many things is because I desperately want to find my niche. I'm dipping my hands into journalism, music, photography, event planning, etc., because I am terrified that I will leave this place (UCI) and not find what I'm good at. I've become so obsessed with this that I've even made a tentative plan for the rest of my college career.

Summer of '09: WORK WORK WORK whatever job I can get
Fall, Winter & Spring of '09-'10: DJ @ KUCI; work for housing; get a job as a writer for New University
Summer of '10: Music Intern, or Magazine Intern
Fall, Winter & Spring of '10-'11: Study aboard; intern
Summer of '11: Intern for a magazine!
Fall, Winter & Spring of '11-'12: Music Director @ KUCI; Resident Advisor/Hall Advisor for Housing; continue internship from summer

Key word: tentative. This isn't definite, but it's ideal. We'll see how life pans out.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

You ain't the Dukes of Hazzard!



Pissing with excitement

It is currently 3:07 PM as I write this. The pre-sale tickets for the Death Cab for Cutie/Tegan and Sara/The New Pornographer concert just came out at 3:00 PM, and within 5 minutes, all pre-sale tickets sold out! BUT...I FUCKING GOT MY TICKET BITCHES! this ticket is a back-up in case my buddy Claire can't sneak me in, but if she can get me in for FREE, then I'll just sell my ticket. YEEEE, she's even moving up to garden box seats if no one is sitting there...true friend, fo sho! Anyways, I'm pissing with excitement! The seat I got is pretty fucking good too. Terrance 5 P2 seat 1351-6. I actually don't know where that is, but judging from the map, it's behind the garden box near the middle...YEEEEEEE! Fuck a duck I am excited!

Anyways, in closing of this spectacular state of event, I leave you this link to an ingenious project called Green Porno featuring Isabella Rosselini.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

fever ray

bizzzzzzare, but brings happy vibrations into my ears



"there are cameras in the sky,
lasers in our living rooms,
there are wolves watching
wearing sheep's costumes."

Brett knows what he's talking about, and I whole-heartedly agree.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Thank you for listening to...

So, today was the first DJ training session...thoughts? Extremely intense, but I'm soooooo fucking stoked! There are basically 7 requirements I need to fulfill in order to earn my DJ badge, and they consist of: attending all the classes, passing the test (yes, there's a test), attending 2 studioB sessions, helping with 2 music/talk shows, fulfilling at least 15 hours of studio volunteering, turning in a "skim tape" (a 15 minute demo tape of songs I would play on air), and lastly, purchasing a training manual. A lot to take in, a lot to participate in, and a lot to learn, but my brain is a pool of knowledge that has yet to be filled, so I'm suiting up in my music-enthusiast suit and getting myself a show!

So...if I were to get a show, what exactly would it be on? Well, today we introduced ourselves in class and annouced what kind of music/talk show we would be interested in airing, and to sum up my idea in a nutshell, I want to have an eclectic music show, pulling from all sorts of genres ranging from indie rock, pop, electronica, folk, acoustic, experimental, shoegazing, instrumental, dance, etc...The list could go on...AND to add my own little twist, I want to talk about the world of art, journalism and literature. Don't really know how that will work, but the tweeking will come later, once I get a show :)

And in closing, I was thinking of ways I could introduce my show and as of now, my favourite is: "You're listening to Ellen, brining you the lastest, greatest and under-rated."


So I was trying to make a playlist of songs I could potentially put onto the skim tape, and it dawned upon me how hard this was going to be. The problem isn't that I can't find songs to put on the tape, but that I have WAY too many to possibly narrow it down to 4-5 songs. Now, 15 minutes seems so short...too short. Or maybe I misheard and the dude said 50 minutes...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Marble movie skies

She's sooo obscure and intriguing. I love her work.

Tomorrow is the first KUCI DJ training class! I'm bubbling with excitement!! So excited that I need to add a couple more exclamation marks!!!


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Tour, Tourist

This weekend was fuuuunnnn! With my 3 cameras in tow (Canon 35mm SLR, Nikon Cool-Pix and Lomography Fisheye) I eagerly tried to capture everything we - Janice, Aurora and myself - had encountered as Aurora and I tried to give Janice a preview of LA. Of course we couldn't squeeze the essence of LA into 1 and 1/2 days, so Janice just has to accept that she will have to wait till summer to see ALL of LA. Anyways, a short account of what happened this weekend: Friday we arrived at my house and after a delicious steak dinner, we headed off to Old Town Pasadena for some shopping, and of course, FROZEN YOGURT! Janice is officially in love with 21 Choices, but then again who wouldn't be? On Saturday we woke up, ate breakfast, and headed for Hollywood. As environment lovers (how un-LA of us), we took the train to Hollywood, which consists of taking the Gold Line, then connecting to the Red Line at the Union Station. I don't think Aurora and Janice will be taking public transportation again...Anyways Hollywood just consisted of us walking around as I talked about all the places. We stopped here and there, shopped for various things, and at around 6, we headed back to Pasadena. Our next destination was Glendale, where we met up with Aurora's parents, who took us to K-town. BEST KOREAN BBQ OF MY LIFE. Holy holy holy. I had to unbutton my jeans as I ate, but then again, so did everyone else who was eating. Sleep, wake up. We went to the Americana for some MORE shopping. That place is seriously beautiful. Short and sweet. We shall do it again, but properly, and with more time.



If I could jizz in my pants, I would have...


blown away with laughter and happyness


Saturday, April 11, 2009

La la land

Janice Kimberly Leung is currently kidnapped by Ellen Lu and Aurora Hee-jin Paik. In these next few days, she will be forced to see the best of LA, and all tours will be hosted by the captors. How lucky Janice is...

Ransom bidding is currently $100 million.


Thursday, April 9, 2009

your body, my body

your body - every curve, every nook, every crease
has a purpose, a story,
a movement underneath my hands.
every vessel and artery leading to your heart
is pulsing in tune with mine,
beating rhythmically together.

every muscle tensing with excitement,
every muscle relaxing with relief,
stiff with joy, loose with exhaustion.

when met, our lips send whispers;
our tongues, morse code.
and our stifled breath,
releasing from one mouth to another till
our lungs collapse in sychronized patterns.


Two things occured last night/this morning. One, I realized I could potentially be a poet, and second, I think I had a sex dream.

...Maybe this sudden romanticism frenzy that seems to be cascading over my life right now is influenced by the amount of Death Cab for Cutie I am listening to. Their concert - which I have no one to go with to...YET - is coming up pretty soon, and as any aficionado (big word, look it up) would do, I am mentally preparing myself.


Monday, April 6, 2009


Oh my...
Oh my...
Oh my...
Oh my...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

i AM nineteen

This past birthday has been a wonderful first-time-away-from-home birthday that would've been incomplete if it wasn't for all my friends. I lub you all! Especially Aurora and Janice who shared with me a beautiful afternoon at Newport Beach, while an old man dry humped a younger mistress, and of course, my besties, Annie and Kristen, who braved the San Diego beach, while the moon lit the cloudy sky and the wind near blew out our bon-fire.

With the way things have started off, I can tell this is going to be a good year...


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Music is my hot, hot sex

So today I walked by the 88.9 KUCI radio booth; talked with the dudes and asked about internships and what-not. We talked for a bit and they gave me information, filled me in and asked me to join their DJ training sessions starting April 14th. Stoked! Anyways, they had a bunch of CDs, stickers and pins on sale (I couldn't resist and bought tons), and let me say, NEVER have I felt more out of the loop with indie music than I did when I was sifting through the boxes of CDs. It was late and by then all the good CDs were probably gone, but still! There was only one CD that I recognized and that was Flosstradamus ft. Caroline Polachek...sad! I mean, not to sound pretentious or anything, but I consider myself in the loop of things when it comes to music, but boy did they prove me wrong. I guess the only thing that can cure this dilemma is to join their team. Yup, I'm totally going to intern...or whatever they call it. Shall be exciting and fun!


I was nineteeennnn, calllll mmeeee!!

Happy Birthday Annie! You'sa oldie!
p.s. I look fucking GOOD in my glasses