Sunday, March 1, 2009

Creative Urges

Ok, so at about 5AM in the morning, I get this unnerving urge to start a blog so I can ramble about whatever is on my mind...That's a lie, I think it was more of a urge to post about current songs that I am listening to, than an urge to blog about random, inconspicuous moments that occured during my day. Nonetheless, here I am. I think in the span of my short lifetime, I've created about a dozen of these blogs. In the beginning I get excited about the prospect of blogging, but after two weeks - once I've completely forgotten my username and password - I move onto the next thing that excites me, which usually doesn't involve a blog, or a sense of writer's block. Moving on...this week the Yeah Yeah Yeahs' new record It's Blitz! leaked, and I have to admit that I am one of those guilty fans who cannot help but press the 'download now' icon and save. Needless to say, the album is amazzzing! So orgasmic to the ear that it deserves 3 z's. This album is definitely a move towards a more synth driven sound, and I love it! I have been listening to 'Hysteric' over and over again on my iTunes, and it's safe to say that the other songs are equally as listen-worthy. The album isn't due till later this May?...but I highly recommend people to buy it (yes, buy in the actually CD, not the mp3!) and give it a good listen. Now, I'm off to work. We're putting on Wall-E today at the MPR to promote being green. I'm setting up, but bouncing at 5 for IM soccer playoffs! I am one of the lucky girls that gets to play, which basically consists of me standing on the field, while the boys work hard at ensuring our spot in the finals. Haha, maybe I should've chosen soccer over basketball...nahhh noiiiii nope


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