Saturday, March 14, 2009

Save Musicians, Buy Their Album

This is a bit late, considering the video came out a couple of days ago, but better late than never. Karen O never ceases to amaze me with her fierceness. All she does in this video is stride around San Francisco singing - simple - yet I can't help but wish I was in her shoes dancing on the street while singing to complete strangers.

These past few weeks, I've been blogging/talking about the Yeah Yeah Yeahs a lot, mainly because I'm so fucking excited for their album. Albeit, I already have the entire album on iTunes via leakage, which I feel guilty and at the same time grateful for, I still can't shake the thought of their album releasing in April, and of course, the release of tour dates!

In retrospect, a majority of my blog is dedicated to album leaks...Grizzly Bear, Metric, Yeah Yeah Yeahs...all of which are albums I've been eagerly anticipating for for 2009. I've always been skeptical about leaks. For instance, as a dedicated fan, does it make me less dedicated, or more dedicated if I succumb to leaks? Isn't my excitement and eagerness a sign of devotion? Or is my lack of will-power to wait till the release date an implication of my weakness? Needless to say , the bands that I devotely follow happen to be the bands that I find leaks for, only because I anticipate a new album and constantly check their website, and/or websites that follow them. Regardless of leaks, these are the bands that I will support without hesitation by pre-ordering their CDS, or by buying their pre-sale concert tickets.

This brings me to my next topic, which is sort of a continuation of my long-winded rant about leaks. Doesn't it suck to live in a generation where vinyls and CD's are practically obsolete? I never understood how people could find satisfaction in having only pirated, intangible mp3's on their laptops. Don't you want a hard copy album with a little picture booklet that has the lyrics to all the songs? Maybe only music enthusiast realize the beauty of walking into a record store and the novelty of having a hard copy album with a little booklet...

Anyways, I REALLY need to study now. So I'll just close this blog with another video. Enjoy.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think we need to go see yeah yeah yeahs together.