Friday, March 6, 2009

Spring Chills

Recap of yesterday's (Thursday, March 6th) monumental event: For intramural basketball yesterday, my team - Hoopsters - played against the Yay team, which is by far our biggest competitors in the league, and my limbs were too fucking raw and limp to function properly due to the pointless 2 hour hall soccer game I had right before my basketball game. Let's first start with the soccer game. The game was suppose to start at 8, so our team naturally arrived a bit early to warm up. Normal. But the game before us was delayed due to overtime, and lucky us had to wait a little longer in the freezing ocean-side night. Not only was our game prolonged due to circumstances beyond our control, but once the game commenced, both the Cascada team and our team couldn't help but accuse one another of cheating. Took forever. Such a waste of 2+ hours...I don't even do anything when I play! I just go because our hall needs at least 3 girls on the field in order to play. I don't play soccer, I don't know how! By 9PM, all of my protruding body parts (including ears, nose, arms, legs, etc.) felt like they were going to fall off, so in the end, I didn't do anything except stand stoically in the middle of the field. The game ended at 10PM...and my basketball game was at 10:30PM. FML. Needless to say, my limbs were too raw, cold and numb to funtion properly for basketball, and I sucked shit. Oh, and did I mention I scored in the wrong basket giving the other team 2 points that my team could've used? Allegra's face was the first thing I saw after scoring that basket, and let me tell you, the look on her face was the epitome of grief, anguish and disgust. Hahaha. I felt like an idiot, and the huge crowd watching didn't make it any better. Anyways, we lost by 15+, meaning we didn't get free championship shirts, nor a photo up on the wall at the ARC...damn.


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