Friday, March 6, 2009

Guilty As Charged

Once again, I have succumbed to music leaks...and this time the victim to my impatience is Grizzly Bear's third debut album, Veckatimest. I am speechless. The album is above and beyond. The follow-up to their spectacular second album - Yellow House - definately does not disappoint. Their harmonizing almost rivals those of Fleet Foxes, and that says a lot. I've already pre-ordered the album, as well as Metric's Fantasies (which is equally as good) and I can't wait to recieve both! They've just released their summer tour line-up, and of course, they're playing a show at Wiltern in LA, and I just might HAVE TO go. Ha, of course I'm getting tickets.

At this point, I can't even say which individual track I love over the rest. They're all equally so eargasmic in their respective ways. I can't wait to see them live! Eck! Now I just have to find someone who wants to join me!


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