Saturday, September 12, 2009

of life and death

It's amazing how events can slap people back into reality and bring them back to ground level. I think sometimes we have our heads too high up in the clouds that we forget that our feet are still planted on the earth. A friend I knew from high school was hit by a car this week, and within hours, he had passed away. This suddenness made me realize that we, as people, take life for granted - we forget how delicate and fragile our lives are, and how quickly we can be taken away from this world. As harsh as this may sound, the beauty to life is death. Life is not permanent. The future beauties you should witnessed, the adventures you should embarked on, the challenges you should endured, and the rise and fall of life that you should experienced can be taken away so suddenly without warning. It's so bizarre to write/think about things like this, but it scares me so much to think that at any moment something could happen and I could lose my chance of ever doing all the things I wish to do...

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